If God weren't there for me, I wouldn’t be here now writing this post. If God didn’t send His only begotten Son to die for me on the cross, I’d never be with my husband building a home. If God didn’t remain faithful to me, I might’ve committed suicide years ago. These are “what ifs” but these prove the fact that God is working in my life from the day I was conceived in my mother’s womb up to this day and as a song tells, “He knows each and every one of us long before we were formed.”
Each story in the Bible tells what God has done to its characters. Even the renowned parables found in the book of Proverbs speak of wisdom which we believe all came from God.
Some time in my 24 year of existence, it came to my mind to wonder if God was just an illusion. Is He only a make-up figure formed by the Bible? Is He only a living person whom the writers of the books idolized and they would like to pass their beliefs from generation to generation? Is He really true? Is God really there?
Atheists would say, “How can these so called-Christians believe and pray to this God whom they couldn’t see?”, “How could they be so devoted when all they know about their God only came from this book which they refer to as their Bible?”.
Philippines is one of the Christian countries and was recognized for its account of having different denominations from all over the world. So, clearly in words and in print that not only me, not only my family, friends and relatives believe that there really is a God. It may be in different religions, God may be called in varying names but it all goes thru a narrow road leading to one creditor – still, God.
The heart is the one who’s responsible for a man’s emotions & feelings. Yet, it is one of the most possible entry of infections same as our minds or brains. What this world is giving us affects what we think, what we feel and what we do. When I reached my age of having the capacity to understand bits and pieces of life; God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit is already instilled in my mind, in my heart and in my whole being. This is not because my parents were Christians, not because I’m a pastor’s kid and it’s already beforehand and because I grew up with people who believed in God, not because I need to follow what was the belief of my family. The sole thing is my faith that God truly exists. If there is no God, there’s nobody writing this.